The first semester in GSAPS was over. Actually, it had been already over for me since December. My Japanese ability did not improve at all. Ironically, my English speaking was a little bit better than before. It is highly possible my Japanese ability would be still as poor as now after graduation. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Deep in my heart, I prefer to improve my English than my Japanese. Improving Japanese ability is just like a castle in the cloud. Improving English ability is like a warn little house you built by yourself.
But this is not how it should be. I should improve my Japanese ability, because my teacher in elementary school believed that someday I would learn Japanese well.
I could study Japanese almost 9 years for only few words from a teacher. However, I could not even make tomorrow me get up earlier to write some stories or read some books. I wish my brain could be less clear. But it has to be clear, doesn’t it?
Maybe I would make something in between. Sometimes my brain could be clear, sometimes it could just stop as before. As flexible as doublethink.
It’s not the song Stubborn(倔強) by Mayday sounds like me, but the song greatly influenced me when I was 10 years old.
2018年2月18日 星期日
文章 (Atom)
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