これ以上、僕たちは失う事も 、無いだろう。
Few months ago, I finally finished the last episode of "Sakamoto desu ga" and realized that the one last freshman year in my life was coming to the end. I became second grade student before I knew it. It's also the first time in my life that I feel so unwilling to graduate, even though I am a little bit too old to have this kind of feeling.
It might be too late to say this, but, I am really enjoying the last summer of Heisei.
Thank to everyone I met in this summer.
これ以上、僕たちは失う事も 、無いだろう。
(In this way, there are nothing we can lose anymore.)
2018年10月27日 星期六
文章 (Atom)
台北萬華半島樓,下午一點五十五分 『欸,你相信吸血鬼嗎?』 台北南警察署長岡野幫小文倒了一杯如水般清澈的白鶴清酒,工作時間不喝酒也是他的一大原則 , 但 人生苦短也是岡野才太郎的第一座右銘。當原則互相碰撞時,非日常就會從日常之中萌發。而岡野總是享受著這些非日常,因...
詞曲:巴比·寇威爾(Bobby Caldwell)和保羅·戈登(Paul Gordon) Love like a road that never ends 愛就像一條沒有盡頭的路 How it leads me back again 讓我不斷地重頭來過 To heartache ...
林延學的很快,雖然渥克不自覺,但林延幾乎可以稱的上是他教過最好的學生。第一個禮拜,他就精通了航空工程、航空科學、民用航空概論和大學生程度的大氣學。第二個禮拜,他就克服了 G 力問題,代價就是三餐減量,和他原本的補習計畫。這一切都不打緊,林延逼自己晚上十點睡,早上五點起來讀書...
詞曲:約翰˙藍儂(John Lennon) 翻譯: 高仕艷 She's not a girl who misses much Do do do do do do- oh yeah! She's well acquainted with the touch of t...