I really want to record my everyday life, however nothing shows up in my mind if I insisted writing in English.
Especially now Japanese logic has strong influence on my language logic.
During the training camp (合宿) on February, I was discussing with M why R didn't have girlfriend even he is so handsome.
M said that R was sometimes insisting on his idea too much. And that was horrible when he had fight with other people.
I did notice that but it was not really a problem to me. I told M that because I was five years older than everybody in the circle, so even he insisted on his idea, he looks just like a cute little boy who stands on his ground.
However it was not true. My Japanese ability was so weak that there's no true generation gap between me and them.
But the true reason is that, almost all my friends ARE people who stand on their ground. I was always attracted by this kind of personality.
Because I am the person who always stand on my ground.
2019年11月20日 星期三
張貼留言 (Atom)
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