在東京讀碩士的這兩年,時間感就如同國高中的兩年。具體我也不清楚是怎樣,但我覺得大概是每天都在面對全新的事物的關係。日本真的是一個很不一樣的地方,在這裡,外面世界的Meme 是不通的,海綿寶寶在這裡不是大家的共同回憶,甚至任何一部日本動畫的劇情都不會是大家的常識。聊天頻率、文化、社會、規則完全不同。如果我要向外星人介紹地球,我的開場會是:「地球有不少國家,但大概可以分為日本,和不是日本的國家。」
總之,日本是個迷人又危險的地方,一個表裡不一的地方。那些因為喜歡日本而來日本的人,大概 95%都失望了。因為日本不是大家看起來那樣。
Time passes faster and faster as you age. Everybody seems to have this experience right? When you was a kid, every day in school is like a year. After you entered high school it was getting a little bit faster. After your first year of college, time flied like a crazy bus. Before you realize plum rain season was over, the weather is getting cold. I always thought this is inevitable, until I came to Tokyo.
During my two years in graduate school, my sense of time’s passage is exactly as same as in high school time. Maybe the reason is that I deal with whole new things almost every day. Japan is a very different country. In Japan, nobody knows memes from outside world. I had explained what memes are to some of my closet Japanese friends for like 5 times. Millennials in Japan didn’t even grow up watching Spongebob.
Every country is different, but Japan is totally different. Way of communication, culture, society, rules here are completely different. If I am going to introduce the earth to aliens, I will divide the earth into Japan, and other countries.
Anywhere, for me I encounter something I don’t know almost everyday. Everyday is another challenge to my common senses. Everyday the little world in my heart is destroyed a little bit, and reborn a little bit. Carefully I protect some useless but meaningful part of me. In the same time I try to adjust myself to the world. I don’t want to lose to this world, but I don’t want to deny that 14 year old me either.
Japan is a lovely and dangerous place, a country which its reality is 100% different from people’s image. Unlike most of foreigners here, I have never disappointed about the life in Japan, because I didn’t expect anything.
I had doubted it before but now I am very sure. I am very sure that I want to live in Japan.
About my school club, joining school club as graduate student is probably the most interesting experience in my life. It’s like you time travel back and become 18 again. One more time you live your life like a fresh year student. One more time you hang around school with other 18 19 years old guys, pretending you still have lots of time to waste. One more time you listen to someone talking about some teenage problems. One more time you watch high school teenagers growing up. One more time you are going back to the time, when friend is friend forever.
In my house I speak Mandarin. In class I speak English with people from all over the world. In the school club I speak Japanese with people who are 5 or 6 years younger than me.
For some reasons, I really love this life.
2020年2月2日 星期日
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